Sunday, May 11, 2008

WOW I'm Really A Mom

I know that this might sound a little crazy but sometimes its a little weird to think that i am a mom of TWO! I have always thought of a mom as being old, and i dont feel that old! Even though in my own eyes you have to be old to be a mom, i guess i would rather be old and have my fun, amazing, adorable, perfect little kids, than not have my two amazing big blessings and be young (or at least think i am young)!


Ruth said...

I figured I should send you a comment since you helped me send one to your sister. I love your blog. The music is completely you! Most of all I love to see the pictures of my beautiful babies. Kiss them lots and tell them Grandma loves them!

The Nester said...

what a fun blog! love your design and those textured diamonds, music, i feel like i know you and oh, those hairbows!

got you comment over at my place and I think you commented about your moving situation before, right? did i ever write back? I sure meant too! Well, I just wanted to encourage you about your move. I know it's hard to have a good attitude but, I believe we are both moving on to bigger and better things, even if that means a smaller, cheaper house!

heart you!

Nicole said...

JEALOUS!!! You got a cool comment from the nester. When are you going to come visit so we can play around with your blog??? I hope everythings going ok for you guys.

Nicole said...

I'm such a dork, I didn't even realize you'd changed the name of your blog. I love it!!!

erin said...

your family is really cute!